Email List build

Email List Building Mistakes That Murder Your Sales

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Suppose you have ever spent your time with a fisherman. In that case, you must know how willing they’re to talk regarding fishing, how they could wax poetic about the methods of their trade-in very complicated, seemingly endless, information.

It’s like that old saying goes: “Provide a man with a fish, and you feed him once. Teach any man to fish, and then he will talk about fishing forever, forming every motion device which science might one day harness as the source for immortal energy.”

It is not a wrong thing to consider! Many years out on the water, a lot of fishermen learned what works and what doesn’t. They are pretty much happy to pass that information on. They are aware that a few necessary tweaks could mean the vast difference between The One That Got Away and The Big One.

Audience development is not so different at all. Catching your email address is the first step to building engagement with the audience. The capture tool of email is yours to reel those necessary addresses in.

However, it is not enough to put out any previous capture widgets and have some patience! If you aren’t following any email capture best practices, you are letting newsletter subscribers quickly swim away.

Email List Building Mistakes That Murder Your Sales

Utilizing a Generic Offer


A typical offer like “Begin Getting Our Free Newsletter” does not provide the visitor with an incentive to join the email list.

Do you want people to subscribe to your email letters?

Well, provide them with a perfect reason.

While a standard offer is much greater than no offer, you could spice it up and enhance your conversion rate.


Utilize an enticing offer which your readers could not say no to. Like, if you’re in the fitness company, try utilizing a proposal identical to “Sign Up For Exclusive Weight Loss Recommendations.”

Now, in the above example, you aren’t doing anything. You’re still asking the users to subscribe to the email list. However, this time you’re offering some importance.

Here are a few more examples:

  • Sign Up For Over Exclusive [Company] Tips
  • Get Our Best [Company] Tips Delivered To Your Inbox

Not Offering a Juicy Lead Magnet

Do you want to skyrocket your list growth?

Begin offering a lead magnet. Do you know what a lead magnet is? It’s a bonus you provide your readers for subscribing to your newsletter.

Check out lead magnet Unbounce on their blog:

Email List Building Mistakes

Their people consist of marketers looking to up the conversion rate. Besides that, This lead magnet provides what their primary audience wants.

If you need to lead magnets to work for you…

… you would require one that your primary audience wants.

Ready to create your first lead magnet?

All you need to do is discover something your people desire and offer it to them in exchange for their email address. If you blog about Weight Loss, then your lead magnet can be something like “Five Easy Methods To Lose Five Pounds In Just Five Weeks.”

Your lead magnet does not have to be different. It has to be something your targeted audience wants.

Here are some great ideas for lead magnets you could make today:

  • Provide a cheat sheet or a free template.
  • Make a bonus for your blogging post, which includes some more bits of content.
  • Repurpose an impressive blog post in a Downloadable file like PDF.

How to make a PDF file?

Just install and use PrintFriendly.

It is a free tool which would help you make your web pages into a PDF file.

If you cannot provide a Lead Magnet, at least do not utilize an introductory offer like “Subscribe To Our Email List.”

Asking For A Lot of Information

It is a ton of work to fill hundreds of fields to sign up, and your users are too lazy to fill a lot of areas. At least we are.

Here is an ideal example of an actual long opt-in form:

Email List Building Mistakes

Can you see how tons of fields that opt-in form has?

If you want to enhance the opt-in forms’ conversion rate, ask for the details you require. Keep this in mind, the more fields inside the opt-in forms, the more users would resist signing up.

Here is an excellent example of a small opt-in form:

Email List Building Mistakes

As you could see, SmartBlogger asks for the email only.

The point is simple; they do not require any other information.

Not even the username. And neither do you.

Even If the opt-in form includes more than 3 fields, try to deduct as many fields as possible. Options are many fields on the opt-in forms are useless, and you do not even require them.

Keep this in mind; you could always include more information about a subscriber to the database in the future.

Most email marketing tools permit you to include extra information about a subscriber both automatically and manually.


Not Utilizing Pop-ups

Almost every Blogger hates pop-ups. They think pop-ups are apparent.

But here is the deal:

They do work.

Pop-ups are one of the great ways to make your website visitors as subscribers. They will work because they could grab the attention of your visitors.

Instead of hoping visitors find the opt-in form inside your sidebar, you could offer them an opportunity to opt-in as they enter.

Using the entry pop-ups, you could generally double your conversion rate utilizing exit-intent pop-up. The exit-intent pop-ups only show up when the reader is leaving your blog.

Sounds like a miracle, right?

You could utilize an exit-intent pop-up to enhance your conversion rates heavily. The best ways to utilize exit-intent pop-ups is to provide a lead magnet as a motive to sign up.

Example :

The above image is an ideal example of an exit-intent pop-up from the blog of Ramit Sethi. In this guide on developing habits, he just shows this pop-up when the user is trying to leave.

This pop-up includes a lead magnet which his users really want. The lead magnet is a polished PDF file of this guide.

Here are some crucial points to consider for lead magnets you could provide in your exit-intent pop-ups:

  • A spreadsheet or a template which is related to your review or blog. For instance, if you’re in the fitness company, you may provide a spreadsheet to help your audience keep track of diet or exercise.
  • A PDF version of your article or blog. It does not require to be different or unique. All you need to do is just make your blog into a standard PDF file.
  • Bonus content which isn’t contained inside your post. For instance, if your review offers fifteen tips, save three and package them inside a PDF file.

If you’re interested in making exit-intent pop-ups on your website, then you should check out this exit-intent extension.

Not Building A Perfect Email List From The Beginning.

This is a big mistake a ton of internet business owners are guilty of making.

We did not start developing our email list for a pretty long time after we began our first blog. We lost hundreds of potential subscribers just because of this factor.

Almost all bloggers believe they require a steady stream of millions of people before they could begin building an email list.

But that is so wrong. You do not require much traffic to begin developing an email list.

Start developing your email list even if you’re struggling to get fifty visitors to the blog. It’s true that at the beginning of the development, you would get just two to three subscribers an entire day, this amount keeps on adding up.

Suppose you’re not developing your email list from the beginning of the blogging journey. In that case, you’re leaving thousands of potential users on the table who may later be converted as your consumers.

The bottom line?

Start developing your email list quickly as you start blogging.

Penning Poor Subject Lines

We all do receive tons of emails each day. As a result, many readers basically scan every subject line for mere microseconds before doing a massive deletion of unwanted sales emails.

Anyone has seen magnificent subject lines promising the user they could drop twenty pounds in just 2 weeks or produce 6-figure incomes within the further month.

Hyped-up subjects scream spam though, and users often mark them as to marketers’ dismay. When users avoid labelling a specific sender as spam, proclaiming the impossible does make them roll their eyes and then tick the trash box.

Subject lines which compel readers to open your emails and take action share characteristics:

  • They are sweet, short, and to the point
  • They do not trick the audience into the opening — they offer value
  • They just focus on the subject while avoiding filler and fluff words
  • They are personalized
  • They ignore yelling at the user in all caps
  • They are professional sounding, not emotional or sensational

Busy professionals give up those emails whose subject lines provide no perceived importance. Emails trashed unopened because of lacklustre titles waste marketers’ time while making no extra revenue for their hassle.

Failing to Utilize Message Previews

Every email program’s functionalities previews that briefly introduce users to the subjects covered inside the correspondence. On top of that, The email preview does work a little bit like a lead inside a news story: Users need to know if the rest of the details would make for worthwhile reading.

Just as the first line of the article has to grab the readers’ attention, message previews let likelihood know if they wanna read more.

Remember this one rule: The first line of email ranks highest in interest to quality. If the content that permits the first line resembles mail on par with David Ogilvy’s incredible talent, words no one reads sell no services or products.

Not Letting Readers Reply

Nobody looks forward to email correspondence from the apparent good friend named DoNotReply. Emails that fail to let every user respond and ask them some questions.

They might have led them to look for more private organizations to conduct any deal with. An email from the [email protected] gets opened more repeatedly than those from any anonymous Contact.

Provide your users with a method to get in touch with your business or service that you offer. If permitting replies grows overwhelming, then integrate a “Contact Us” link, leading any potential client to a well-developed web page where they could pose requests or inquiries for further info.

Such web pages could capture extra info from prospects — for instance; real estate agents could require contact to indicate the timeline for selling or purchasing a house.

Coming Across As Shady

Today, users ignore opening emails that contain even a bit of a hint of the phishing scam for a better reason. A lot of people have already fallen to scams when others have read of the dangers inside the media file.

Once a brand gains a reputation for misleading any marketing message, repairing the damage could take many years when it happens at all.

Ignore a ton of hyperbole in email campaigning. Always keep your tone courteous and professional, and go the extra mile by containing a privacy notice in every email, letting readers know how to unsubscribe easily.

However, no marketer wants to lose even one user; the consequences of having a reputation as an untrustworthy company might impacts revenue more than a handful of people unsubscribing for their stuff.

Falling Out of Touch

A ton of marketers either neglect keeping up contact altogether or grind too harshly with unwanted emails after launching two or more successful campaigns.

As much as a few might love the informative content, letting a lot of time pass between correspondence distracts their interest elsewhere, and bombarding users with regular emails when they have signed up just for a monthly newsletter exasperates or else loyal followers.

It would be best to permit website visitors to indicate what they desire for the update frequency when signing up and honoring their choices. Automate emails to send at daily intervals even when on leave or vacation to ignore any communication gaps.

You are playing hide-and-seek with subscribers.

Do you feel that your sign-up form is hard to find? You can be missing out on subscribers. Even if you’re sending a newsletter for detectives or a Where is Waldo weekly email, readers do not want a challenge before they have even signed up?

If you are burying the sign-up form at the end of the page or on a unique page entirely, even the content’s biggest fans will give up the search before even giving up the email address.

Instead, ensure your capture form is visible enough. You simply increase the chance that users follow through by cutting down the period it requires to subscribe. After all, your readers are making an effort to subscribe to your newsletter, and it is only fair to help them out by well organizing the operation as much as possible. It is good manners. Additionally, you have got a food newsletter. Why not exhibit it?

Going Crazy With Graphics and Stock Photos

Many customers today own computers able to load image-heavy content as soon as possible, but illustrating a campaign around nothing however graphics alienates users and makes the correspondence appearance irrelevant.

While the right utilization of charts and highlighted sale illustrations could increase conversion rates. You have to consider the spices you include to be the primary dish of quality content. A bit goes a long way, either way too much spoils the whole meal.

You are snubbing your mobile visitors.

You have probably read the email statistics by now: however, the majority of the emails are opened on the mobile device. It just follows that s are consuming a lot of website content on the mobile phone as well.

However, you have probably already seen, more troubling stat: some conversions happen on mobile phones. Maybe mobile users do not like filling out forms on tiny displays. However, designers are not doing them any kind of favor with poor phone experiences.

Whether you are hiding forms from mobile owners or bombarding users with intrusive sign-up forms, you are missing the preponderance of your users by not implementing email capture devices for phones (not to mention, Google might be penalizing you).

If you want to simplify things for users on the go, you could easily include a one-touch email subscription box on the website. It is much more convenient for users, and it also prevents typos. That way, you are all, however, guaranteed to get an actual email address.

Hostile takeovers are scaring subscribers away before they are ready to convert.

Or you might be going all the way in the opposite direction. You might be bombarding the reader with a vast email capture pop-up (or using takeover lightbox) the instant they come to your website. Sure, it is essential to ensure users see your capture form.

However, you have to have a little bit of tact. Keep this in mind: your precious content is what makes users decide to subscribe to the newsletter. What good is an entire sign-up box if they have not had an opportunity to sample the content yet?

The excellent time for users to see your capturing forms is at the height of the users’ engagement: after they have consumed enough content to decide do the subscription worth it, however before they begin to lose interest.

At that time, you could set up a lightbox to come once the user reaches a particular point of an article after they have shared an article on the social media account, or even after they have visited your several pages.

The first impression is considerably everything; ensure their first impression is of great content, and users would be more likely to come aboard.

Your email capture strategies do not adjust to returning visitors.

Congratulations! You have convinced users to subscribe to the email newsletter. They are opening every email you send, and they are digging the content. Now they are clicking the links mentioned inside your emails, just to return to your website and see.

Your lightbox is asking your audience to subscribe to the newsletter from which they came! Suppose you are displaying the ideal email capture widget to all of your users.

In that case, you are wasting a significant opportunity to gain extra newsletter subscriptions or even reach more readers. Additionally, it isn’t delightful.

Smart capture widgets permit you to tailor the content to the reader. There is no reason not to utilize this ability to provide users with something else more valuable.

If they subscribe to one newsletter, allow them to subscribe to any other related newsletter. Provide a good piece of content, like an eBook. Ask them if they wanna share that content with their buddies.

You could at least turn off the takeover lightbox asking users to subscribe to the one newsletter when the user is coming from that newsletter. After all, it is weird when you forget to provide them with an introduction to yourself. However, it is even worse if you keep feeding them your introduction over and over again.

Readers actually do not know what to expect from email communication.

If you are not making it clear what users should expect from the emails, you may be setting yourself up for failure. It can lead you to a quick unsubscribe when the welcome email is not what they thought it should be.

Or maybe they won’t subscribe in the first place due to they do not know how incredible your email newsletters are! Even though they visit your website for the first time, it is probably safe to say they do not know much about your pure and beautiful content yet. They aren’t mind-readers.

Well, unless you run your news website for psychics.

A quick sentence that demonstrates the importance of an email subscription or the prevalence of communication they will receive may encourage more audiences to subscribe.

Even conveying the tone could make a huge difference, especially if you have got a mostly lighthearted or funny newsletter with a solemn voice. You could see that in the previous example from The Chive.

Users will not give their email address over to any strange list they have never met, so ensure to give an introduction of yourself to keep things straight.

You are not testing your capture widgets.

To increase your email list, your email-capture strategy should align with the different nature of your website users. However, email capture widgets permit near-infinite configurations.

It could take a little time to get them right. Unless you are running that mind reader site, you probably will not land on the perfect email capture settings on the first try.

The only method to determine which way would work for audiences is to subject the capture devices to rigorous, constant testing. Or else, you may be missing out on the email subscribers.

There is no universal email capture solution that could work for every type of visitor. Certain types of websites benefit from particular kinds of capture widgets. For example, sites with entertainment or political content see increased engagement from polls and quizzes.

These widgets offer users the answers and outcomes in exchange for email addresses. The traffic source plays a significant role in the excellent capture configuration: Facebook users seem to be less attentive.

They consume less content on every visit than traffic from any other source. Knowing this, you could test whether managing your lightboxes for unique traffic sources results in increasing conversions.

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