Bulk Email Sender Guidelines

Bulk Email Sender Guidelines

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Fed up with junk emails flooding your inbox? That’s about to change. Starting in February 2024, Google’s new rules for bulk email sender aim to make it a safe and spam-free email experience. 

You must stay updated if you are a bulk email sender. Google has announced new guidelines. So, stay on top of them or risk your emails missing their targets. (Deliverability) 

Google expects from bulk email sender that if you’re sending more than 5,000 emails daily to Gmail users, you’ve got some homework! Authenticate strongly, make unsubscribing a breeze and keep spam to a minimum.

We’ll steer you through these updates so that your business communications fly clear without hitting any snags.

To make sure your email marketing campaigns work well, it’s crucial to play by the rules; compliance is key when it comes to being a bulk email sender.

Bulk Email Sender Guidelines

If you’re curious about the rules for sending many emails, here’s what you need to know. Major email service providers design specific guidelines to prevent people from being flooded with junk emails. These rules do a decent job of keeping the troublemakers away. 

The guidelines for bulk email sender usually covers

Compliance with Laws

Just reminding you, don’t forget how vital it is to stick to anti spam laws in your email marketing activities. Make sure you’re following regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act in America and GDPR in Europe. Basically, be mindful and respect everyone’s right to privacy.

Proper List Acquisition

It’s common sense but worth mentioning: only send emails to folks who have given you their clear OK.

Email Authentication

Smart practice includes setting up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to manage email authentication effectively.

Cancel Subscriptions

If you’re sending a lot of emails, it’s smart to give people a simple way to say they don’t want them anymore (usually with an “unsubscribe link”).

The risks when you ignore the rules can be severe.

  • Spam filters might tag your emails as spam.
  • Your Email Service Provider (ESP) could start to send out your emails more slowly.
  • ESPs may put your email server’s IP address on a list of known spam sources, which blocks it.

Risks of Ignoring ESP Guidelines

If you disregard the guidelines for email service providers (ESPs), your emails might not get opened or engaged with as much. In serious cases, you could get your email account blocked or even suspended. Worse yet, not sticking to the rules could land you in legal trouble due to breaking email marketing laws.

To put it simply, play by the rules.

Summary of Bulk Email Sender Guidelines

Let’s take a quick look at what Google suggests for bulk email sender.

Authentication Requirements

Make sure every domain you use for sending emails is verified with your domain provider. 

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

This system makes sure an email genuinely comes from where it says it does. Bulk email sender should make sure their domains are set up with SPF.

DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)

This places a unique signature on every one of your emails. It lets Gmail check that the email is (authentic) what it claims to be – both genuine and unchanged.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting &. Conformance)

DMARC makes SPF and DKIM better because it lets people know how emails are going and what to do with the bad ones. Bulk email sender have to tell Gmail through a DMARC policy how to handle the ones that don’t pass the check.

ARC (Authenticated Received Chain)

ARC is like a tracker for forwarded emails, showing if they’ve been checked before and if they didn’t make the cut. If forwarding emails is your thing, you need to use ARC so everything’s above board.

Google says to stick to one domain for sending emails and running your website. You’ll need proper DNS records for your sending spots and internet (IP) addresses.

Requirements for Easy Unsubscription

If your daily email count hits over 5,000 for marketing or updates, make sure folks can bail out with just one click.

Unsubscribe links:

  1. Don’t hide that ‘goodbye’ link or unsubscribe link.
  2. Make sure it’s obvious in every email.
  3. Put this link somewhere easy to see, like the email footer.

Preference center

Bulk email senders give users a preference hub to adjust what they’re signed up for and opt-out from particular email lists with ease.

Quick confirmation: 

When someone wants to unsubscribe, confirm it right away. Make sure they don’t get more emails after they’ve decided not to.

Google advises that emails should be sent only to those who want to receive them. This decreases the chance of your domain’s emails being marked as spam.

New rules require that any request to unsubscribe is processed within 48 hours.

Spam Rate Monitoring

You can keep an eye on your spam rate through Postmaster tools. So, aim for a rate lower than 0.10%, and try not to hit a rate above 0.30%.

To prevent your emails from ending up in spam, here are some suggestions

  • Don’t mix different content types in one email.
  • It’s wrong to use others’ domains or identities without consent.
  • Buying email lists from companies is a no-no.
  • Check local laws before automatically adding users to your mailing list. Some places have restrictions.’
  • You must keep your email list clean.

Gartner estimates that B2B data, including subscriber data, decays at about 3% per month.

Bulk email sender who do not follow these guidelines may face issues. You might end up with lower email delivery rates, get warnings, lose the ability to send emails or face legal issues.

Better Your Email Deliverability Instantly

Google created these new rules to keep Gmail and Google Workspace users safe from unwanted emails.

Though it might feel like a drag at first, making these updates will slash the number of spammy and harmful emails that are not just great for your business; it helps everyone who uses email.

This isn’t just about Gmail; lots of email services (like Yahoo Mail) have similar policies. To ensure your emails continue to reach inboxes effectively over time, pick a reputable service to clean up your email list.

Sign up with myEmailVerifier to try our tools for free.


Google’s rules for bulk email senders stress the need to give your audience useful information. Be clear about what your emails are, and confirm that everyone you’re emailing has agreed to get messages from your company. Stick to these points, and you’ll see better chances of your emails getting read instead of tossed aside as spam, which means your email marketing efforts will likely pay off.

A tip from the well-known marketer Seth Godin is that it’s smarter to nurture relationships with folks rather than just hitting them with back-to-back sales pitches in their inbox. So, keep in mind that bulk email marketing can do wonders if you handle it with care and ethics.

FAQs About Bulk Email Sender Guidelines 2024

How to send bulk emails?

If you want to send bulk emails, you could use Gmail by making several accounts or go for an email automation service like Saleshandy. First, upload your contact list with a CSV file, write your message and then send it out. Gmail limits how many emails you can send each day, so if you pick an automation tool, you’ll not only get around those limits but also track your emails better and likely see improved outcomes.

What are the rules for bulk email senders in Gmail?

Google is tightening the rules for those who send bulk emails to cut down on spam and boost security. Starting February 2024, anyone sending more than 5,000 emails daily to Gmail users has to make sure their messages are legitimately accredited, let people unsubscribe easily and keep their spam levels low. This is to make sure they follow the rules and keep our inboxes clean.

What are the new requirements for bulk email sending?

With the new guidelines of February 2024, bulk emailers have got some homework. They’ve got to set up authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for their sending domain name. Valid DNS records must be in place, both coming and going. Plus they need to add ARC headers on forwarded messages. On top of that, any marketing emails should include a way for recipients to bow out with just one click, staying within what RFC standards require. To boost email protection, cut down on junk mail, and make things better for users.

What steps do I need to take to make sure my emails follow Google’s rules?

To stick to Google’s rules, you should often clean out your list of email contacts, steer clear of tricky subject lines, and keep an eye on how well your emails are getting through. Also, don’t forget to put your real address and a way to get in touch with you at the end of your email.

As a bulk email sender, how can I boost email deliverability?

If you want more emails to arrive where they’re supposed to go, keep up a solid reputation by sending messages regularly without setting off spam alarms and watch how people are reacting to your emails. Authenticating your email domain using SPF, DKIM and DMARC proofs is also smart.

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