Email Verification

Beginners Guide For Email Verification

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When it comes to keeping your business relevant to real people, the importance of Email Verification cannot be overlooked.

So, what is it? Why do you need to do it? Why do some businesses swear by it yet so many are missing out on its benefits?

To keep it simple for Beginners Guide, Email Verification is checking an email address for its validity. Is it real or not?

This makes an email validity checker a vital part of any business operation. Defining a verification process and removing invalid email addresses might be your next smart step. Let’s find out.


What is Email Verification or Email Validation?

Email Verification is a procedure that demonstrates the validity and ‘deliverability’ of an email address. The process often runs swiftly to catch typos, whether they are honest mistakes or motivated misdirects.

The procedure checks for errors in any email address on the list and filters the addresses as they are entered onto the system or via an API.

Why Do I Have So Many Invalid Email Addresses?

Having a high rate of invalid or risky emails can be caused by the reasons highlighted below:

First, list decay. Do realize that email addresses don’t necessarily stay valid forever. Sometimes people change jobs, get married, or abandon their accounts.

Also, email servers can forward an email sent to an invalid address to a central address. If the domain is blacklisted or doesn’t exist, emails get sent to the central address as well.

Having a high rate of invalid email addresses is common to even the greatest marketers. To achieve better performance, however, they proactively remove them. It improves campaign metrics and protects campaigns from unexpected derailment.

Why Should I Verify My Emails?

Verify Emails

Are you aware that sending your emails to an unverified list could lead to some regrettable consequences? Benchmark, amongst other email service providers, take a driven approach to email verification. This is to protect you from common out-turns.

Evident consequences to protect yourself from include account suspension, wasting money, and dismal marketing results.


How to Achieve Great Email Deliverability?

While a plethora of factors will determine how many of your emails are delivered to the inbox, some are far more important than others. Email hygiene is first and foremost.

To be phrased simply, how clean is your email list? Contextually, a clean list is an email list free of spam traps and risky email addresses (including invalid, catch-all, abuse, role-based, and disposable addresses).

A lot of email marketers don’t realize how email bounces and spam traps may hurt their business. The truth is, your sender reputation is at stake when you send emails to an invalid address time after time.

Email Service Providers put all these into metrics to decide whether you are a legitimate sender or not. So, your reputation is tarnished if your blasts frequently bounce or are marked as spam.

The next action in line is to ask yourself, what do I do now? Before making a decision, be informed that a manual email check is much too tedious and time-consuming. Besides, some risky email addresses are undetectable manually, which brings us to the next section.

What Defines Risky Email Addresses and How Do I Handle Them?

You should understand the kinds of email addresses that are considered risky and should be avoided:

Addresses associated with domains that accept every email that comes in—at first—are “Accept All.” The catch is, your email could be removed or bounced later due to the firewall (or another spam tool) installed by these catch-all domains.

Unresponsive domains result in “Unknown” emails. While it may be a temporary issue, such uncertainty cannot be excused.

Be advised to handle both “Accept All” and “Unknown” emails with caution. Consider the age and source of the data if your email list is dominated by invalid, Accept All, or Unknown emails.

Sometimes people create temporary addresses to avoid using their primary address.  Users may do this to conceal the identity or they’re not on board with joining another email list.

Temporary addresses are valid and active, but only for a while. Some users may even use them for multiple email lists. But the likelihood to be closed after a short period is high, as you may already know. What makes this kind of email risky is its disposable purpose. If you intend to upload your list to Benchmark, refrain from including disposable addresses.

How Should I Verify My Email List and How Much Will It Cost?

Let’s get to the first half of that subheading. The most efficient way to verify your email list is by using an email validation system. It employs automation to streamline the filtering process and keep only the addresses you want in your inventory.

Many marketers strive for a sizeable email list, but little do they keep their eyes on the quality of the leads they’re getting.

Quality plays a more prominent role in your marketing strategy than quantity. With email validation keeping only valuable addresses on your list, there is an emphasis on quality over quantity.

Tools in the Bulk Email Verifier category make it even easier to verify your email list. If your list consists of dozens, hundreds, thousands, or even millions of addresses to run through a verification tool, then you should consider using a bulk email tool like This makes validating in bulk easier, quicker, and cheaper.

Feel free to contact us for pricing.


How Do I Generate Revenue By Validating My Email List?

The importance of Email Address Validation requires little to no effort to grasp. Take a practical example of an online store with 50,000 new email subscriptions, a lifetime value of $10 for each valid email address, and a rate of only 5% risky addresses. This store generates $25,000 in extra revenue, compared to a small cost of $280.

Email Marketing quote by Famous author

Do you have any inquiries concerning Email Verification or your experience using our service? If so, we would like to hear it. Kindly drop a comment below.

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  1. I got two sites and I have been struggling with spam.
    That´s why I am thinking about cancelling comments… but I know comments also have good impact.
    I really appreciate your tips… have a great day!

  2. Can anyone help me with cheap email validation service?? I need to validate 10,000 emails how much it cost on different email verification service??
    I want to know about zerobounce, neverbounce, myemailverifier, bounceless, quickemailverification!!

  3. Hi, I’m want to start to use your services, but the API documentation available only have 2 methods. Please, could you provide me the full API documentation?

    1. Thanks for reaching out to us.
      The API is used to call for single email validation. We have only two methods available.

      1. For single email validation.
      2. Get remaining credits.

      Please let us know your use case and volume you are looking for.
      For bulk email verification you can upload file.

  4. completely agree with “What Defines Risky Email Addresses and How Do I Handle Them?” point, indeed worth reading looking foreword to read more blogs like this

  5. You should also try to use tools like AB Testing to check which version of your campaign is more successful and check your click rates reports, all of which are available on Active-trail system and will def give a boost to your campaigns

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